punch line

the climactic phrase or sentence in a joke, speech, advertisement, or humorous story that produces the desired effect.
1920-25, Americanism
Examples from the web for punch line
  • The punch line is a little different, but you know the joke.
  • The punch line is much sooner than later they will have to use the restroom.
  • Gives one the chance to wonder what's going through his head before the punch line is delivered.
  • It was a former pizza mogul who's never held elected office and who until recently was a punch line for political insiders.
  • And that's not a marketing phrase or a punch line for the people in this room.
  • We need to take violence out of every punch line in every locker room.
  • Play it cool--don't pour out tons of energy, but know when to throw the punch line.
  • Allow the group to share predictions, before revealing the punch line.
British Dictionary definitions for punch line

punch line

the culminating part of a joke, funny story, etc, that gives it its humorous or dramatic point
Slang definitions & phrases for punch line

punch line

noun phrase

The last line or part of a joke, which makes it funny; kicker, zinger: I remember the jokes, but not the punch lines (1921+)